April Adventures
- April Adventures are an integral part of the EAS curriculum and, as such, are not optional. All students participate.
- EAS teachers aim to make each April Adventure trip unique, educational, adventurous, and fun-filled.
- Trips must fill to a minimum number of students to take place and are not the same from year-to-year.
- Every trip is reviewed by LWSD Risk Management for approval.
Medications for April Adventures
Medications and associated paperwork must be turned into the office no later than March 26.
Full details regarding medication requirements can be viewed HERE.
April Adventures 2025
Announcing April Adventures 2025!
- fEASt: Farm to EAS Table with Mr. Miller
- LeavenWORTHit! with Ms. Minato
- San Juan Bike with Mr. Hamilton
- Olympic Trails Discovery on Wheels with Mr. Rose
- Sea Kayaks, Sea Caves, See California with Ms. Andrada
Explore all the details HERE!
Packing Lists
- fEASt: Farm to EAS Table - packing list coming soon!
- LeavenWORTHit! - packing list coming soon!
- San Juan Bike - packing list coming soon!
- Olympic Trails Discovery on Wheels - packing list coming soon!
- Sea Kayaks, Sea Caves, See California - packing list coming soon!