Is EAS the right choice?
Leaving your neighborhood school to participate in a choice middle school is a major decision for families. Here are important things to consider before applying to and accepting placement at EAS.
Expectations of EAS students
- Demonstrate appropriate behavior in keeping with classroom, school, and district rules and regulations.
- Keep student planner, binder, and school supplies organized and current.
- Keep up with homework in all classes (average time spent on homework is about 1.5-2 hours per night – sometimes more; sometimes a little less.)
- Manage a schedule that varies from day to day with multiple teachers and classes.
- Maintain consistent attendance and a 3.0 in all subject areas. (Required for participation on trips, electives, and stewardship projects.)
- Read extensively in both fiction and informational materials.
- Write effective paragraphs and compositions in all classes.
- Know and apply basic math facts and computational skills in the process of problem-solving.
- Engage in a rigorous science program, including environmental science and outdoor projects.
- Develop art skills in various media through a challenging art program.
- Participate in fitness class instruction and activities.
- Actively participate and develop skills in three years of Spanish instruction
- Participate responsibly in group projects as a productive team member
- Develop effective leadership skills.
- Actively and responsibly participate in 3 week-long school excursions each year.
- Actively and responsibly participate in 3 Community Stewardship sessions per year.
Facts about EAS and Parent / Family Commitment
- The curriculum at EAS is organized by theme instead of grade level. In order to complete all of the subject area critical content expected of a student in LWSD by the end of 8th grade, students need to complete 6th through 8th grades at EAS. Students who fail to complete the full 3-year curriculum cycle will miss critical content that would be taught at a specific grade level in a general education middle school setting.
- The three yearly excursions (Camp Hamilton, April Adventures, and Bowman Bay) and Community Stewardship Projects are important components of the school’s integrated curriculum and attendance is not “optional”. All of the excursions and stewardship projects have specific learning components that directly connect to district and state learning objectives. Students are assessed on their expeditionary learnings and these grades are included in all core classes (LA/SS/Science/STEM/Art).
- EAS is subject to the same student-teacher ratio as other LWSD schools. Class sizes range from some smaller Math and Spanish classes to 36 students in the four 6th-8th grade Integrated Studies classes.
- Transportation to/from school is the responsibility of parents/guardians. Currently LWSD provides a shuttle bus from the Redmond area for a fee.
- Students will make friends with other EAS students across the district and may request transportation from parents to engage socially or work on school projects with their new friends.
- There are extra costs associated with attending EAS to cover excursions, projects and special school purchases. Financial assistance is available for those with need.
- EAS programs rely heavily on family volunteer participation. Volunteer driving and assisting with excursions, stewardship projects, and the Wednesday Elective program during the school day are the areas needing the most volunteer involvement of families.
- Placement at EAS is determined by a blind, computer-generated lottery. In accordance with district policies, siblings do not have preference in the admission lottery.