Homework Guide
In the event you cannot attend class please use the following resources to help you determine what you missed and what you need to make up.
*Please note, some in-class activities cannot be recreated or made-up from home. When you return to school, you must check back with each teacher. We will work with you to come up with a manageable make-up plan.*
Check the Content Library in OneNote OR Teams General Posts for each class. Record assignments in your planner.
Contact a classmate for a recap or for help completing assignments.
Email your teacher asking for clarification about a lesson or for access to needed materials. (Don’t expect a response immediately.)
Check in with teachers upon return to school.
OneNote - Week at a Glance
For most classes, you can check your OneNote class notebooks where you will find the “Week at a Glance” tab in the Content Library. Daily lesson plans as well as assignments for each class can be found here.
Teams – General Channel Posts
Students can find what was missed in Language Arts by looking in Teams. The General Channel will feature daily posts that list the activities done in class and the assigned homework.